Demystifying Executive Presence for Women

September 1-7, 2025

Tula Vida, Costa Rica

Join us for an unforgettable journey of self discovery, reflection, renewal and reconnection. This 6 night retreat for women leaders includes application of the latest leadership principles, daily somatic practices, life-changing experiences with the horse herd, and intimate and lasting connection with other dynamic and passionate women.  This week will not only anchor your executive presence but reconnect you to the purpose behind why you love to lead. Get ready to fall in love all over again! 

An unforgettable journey

of self-discovery.

Executive Presence.

“As I become more aware, curious and flexible, I become infinitely more powerful.”

This retreat is an immersive experience that helps participants “demystify” the concept of Executive Presence.

Instead of approaching this concept as a skill or trying to replicate the way presence is modeled by colleagues, this retreat approaches it as an inside-out job.

Through a combination of group sessions, individual coaching, and experiential activities with horses, attendees will cultivate greater confidence, learn to lead more authentically, become more connected to their deeper purpose intuition and purpose for leading and as a result, holistically and naturally demonstrate  the presence needed to optimize their desired influence and impact.

About the retreat.

It’s no surprise that men and women differ in their leadership styles. But even when they do the same thing, they are often perceived differently. This retreat will help the women who attend to understand why and, more importantly, what they can do about it. It’s a career-changing experience that will not only transform the way you show up, it will fundamentally change the way you lead, how it feels to lead, and the impacts your leadership has on others.

Core elements of Executive Presence:

  • Confidence

  • Composure

  • Credibility

  • Charisma

  • Connection

What is “Executive Presence”?

A a combination of personal qualities, communication skills, + behaviors that project confidence, authority, + leadership, allowing someone to inspire trust + motivate others.

What is Executive Presence for Women? 

For women, it is the ability to inspire confidence in themselves, and therefore to create confidence in others, even in uncertain situations. It involves optimizing their self-awareness, projecting self-assurance and demonstrating an executive mindset. 

Presence is often the main thing people remember or value about someone. It’s an energy and a state of mind. It is more than what we say or what we do, it is about how we engage authentically and how we make people feel.

Unfortunately, how presence is modeled is meaningfully different between men and women. As a result, women have been given unclear feedback, have been asked to minimize their femininity and even after ‘trying the tricks suggested’, feedback revealed that their impact still does not match their intentions or efforts. This is where the horses come in!

What they’re saying

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  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.